Positively Beaming Blog


Don't go big, go TINY, to achieve your goals.


The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. James Clear Atomic Habits

If you joined me for the recent Goals with Soul session you'll know that I teach that goals are the habits that you want to create,  you'll also know that one of my goals for this year is to drink more water. Specifically, my ismart goal is: By June 30th I will be regularly be drinking 2+ litres of what a day so that I feel healthier. This is not a "big picture goal" for me but it is one habit that I know will make me…

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Looking back and looking forward - musings about being in the moment

woman relaxed free

I once heard someone say:

Depression is worrying about the past and anxiety is worrying about the future.

Like most sound bites, this is mostly true and largely inaccurate.

However, it will work for my purposes.

I almost never look back.

I find it very difficult to re-read material or re-watch videos I have made in the past.

While I collect feedback on my workshops, I rarely ruminate on it. No point - the workshop is over. I add the constructive feedback to my mental list of do better …

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Reflecting on Unpleasant Emotions


Hey there - how are you doing? What is bringing you joy at the moment?

I listened to Tarana Burke - author and founder of the #metoo movement, and she reminded me that you could feel great joy and great sorrow or pain simultaneously.  (Ever laughed at a funeral??)

Whilst I embed wellbeing and positivity in my teaching, it's not because I want you to run around pumping sunshine and engaging in toxic positivity. My biz is called Positively Beaming, for all sorts of subtle reasons, but NONE of th…

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Building Psychological Safety


My younger self knew everything.
Absolutely everything.
You ask her any question and she had an answer.
She was lashings and lashings of FIG JAM*.

Even when she didn’t know she was never going to admit it. She was the epitome of a fixed mindset, using all her energy to defend her all-knowing reputation.

To be clear she was clever, quick to learn and curious.

But this was her armour and not her gift.
It stopped her and her team being all they could be.
This was not leadership this was fea…

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