Individual Coaching
Hey There,
Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or need professional support and wisdom? Then you are in the right place.
I am Jenny Cole, an accomplished leadership development and well-being coach. I aim to help you lead and live with authenticity and joy.
My coaching results in ACE - action, clarity and energy.
You will walk away from each session with clarity about where you are going and next steps PLUS the energy and motivation to follow through. Invest in yourself with six one-hour personalised coaching sessions.
What are you waiting for?
What to expect
You will receive 6 x 1 hour sessions plus email support if required.
During coaching, we will focus on progressing the professional and personal goals you have for yourself or the ones that become evident during coaching.
Sessions are by phone, Zoom, Teams or at my home office in North Perth, depending on your preference.
You determine the session time and make bookings using my online booking system. Your confirmation will include all the details you need, including your preferred way of meeting.
Don't forget you can can take advantage of the payment plan of three equal monthly payments.
Coaching has its best impact if you have regular sessions, and I encourage you to complete your coaching package within 12 months.