The One Thing I Could Do All Day


The one thing I could do all day, every day, is to listen to people tell their stories. To sit on my coaching couch and talk to clever women about their successes, their fears, their joy and the places at which they get stuck. Most clients will go through the motions with me but the clients I could spend all day with are the ones who are prepared to go all-in, get uncomfortable, receive feedback, question it in their own head, fight it and push through to a new solution.


I love it when it goes silent and I can hear their cogs turning. And they take a deep breath and sigh (or cry) and then the real stuff happens. The unsaid gets surfaced. The painful gets exposed. The fear sees the light. And I hold space. Hold space for tears. Hold space for the not-knowing. Hold space for the exploration and discovery. I could sit there all day watching the break through. Watching the brilliance, listening to the ideas and tears tumble. Watching the armour crack and the light shine through. I could do it every single day.

Hello there! I am Jenny Cole - Coach, Consultant and Cheerleader. I work with women to create careers,  workplaces and lives that allow them to flourish.

I love nothing better than watching smart, capable but overwhelmed women step confidently into their best self and truly succeed.

I am endlessly curious with two successful businesses behind me. My blog shares what I see, what I know and random musings.

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